Shared Web Hosting

Web Hosting

We believe in using state-of-the-art technology to deliver reliable and professional service at reasonable prices to our customers. We grow and develop with our customer's needs in mind. OneHoster.com gives your web sites the competitive edge you are looking for. We provides high quality affordable web hosting solutions. We maintain our own dedicated server, running Linux and windows operating system. Our network monitoring software ensures servers up time and necessary bandwidth that you can rely on for your applications.

Shared Hosting Offer


Web Design

As a part of our customer care we always try to make it easy to get you online, we offer many tools and services to easily get your business online and increase your profit.

Our expertise is in front-end design and development. We design websites that not only look great but are easy to use and navigate. We always use the best web standards and design practices.

Web Design Service


Graphic Design

We are not only your web hosting company we can also design, develop your web site and create graphic design for your company. OneHoster.com is not only a web solution company we try to helping you in your promotional materials like graphic design or multimedia CD.


onehoster graphic design samples


We offer a variety of APIs for extending the functionality of our software. With our APIs, you can automate many common functions of cPanel, such as creating and modifying accounts.We also offer a variety of hooks, so you can insert your own maintenance scripts when cPanel performs specific tasks like changing a user's password or updating MySQL.

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